Privacy Policy

Who we are

This website (referred to as this site) belongs to NET 360 CIC (a social enterprise). A Community Interest Company registered with Companies House and the CIC Regulator, also referred to as the CIC. Our website address is and also


The cookie includes no personal data and simply indicates the post ID of the article you just visited. It expires after 1 day. This site has no tracking pixels that may encourage tracking.

Embedded content from other websites

We try to keep the site self-contained so you cannot be tracked. However, to increase the speed of the site for your convenience, articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.).

Embedded content from other websites behaves as if the visitor has visited the their website.

If you have an account and are logged in to their website, these websites may (or may not) collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content.

Who we share your data with

This site is linked to NET 360 CIC so any possible data sharing will be with the CIC and its suppliers. This comes into effect when you purchase an item from the store. Only such information that is required to make the purchase is asked for and only used for the delivery of the item.

Stripe is our payment gateway. Our wholesaler is a respected business of long-standing and will deliver your items to your address. The school/club curriculum is supplied via the originators’ LMS, where they have their own Privacy Policy.

How long we retain your data

Your personal data is kept for no longer than is necessary to fulfil our obligations to you as a customer, as well as tax and legal obligations.

Where we send your data

Visitor emails/messages may be checked through an automated spam detection service. See who we share your data with, above, for third party suppliers.

Data Controller

All enquiries or concerns should be sent to Colin Ellis via

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